The blog about the best ways to make money online through surveys and cashbacks?

Saturday, September 23, 2023

How To Make Money As A Teenager Without A Job Online

So this question has been asked by many people especially those who not want to leave their home. They just want to make money at the comfort of their homes.

So here is a list of many ways you can make money online as a teenager.

1. Become a blogger

Creating your own contents on your own website has been one of the old ways but proven to be one of the successful ways you can make money online as a teenager.

When done right, can scale up to thousands of dollars in just the next few years.

There are ways you can do this right to speed the process like link building, guest posting social sharing.

2. Work Towards Becoming A Tiktok Star

Nowadays, people spend more time on social media than ever and tiktok has become the leading social media today. 

Here is a way you can maximize your potential to earn more on titok.

  • Ad revenue
  • Sponsorships
  • Donations
  • Selling products
This may require you to get thousands of followers before you can see progress on your earnings.

3. Become A Youtuber

Anyone can setup a youtube channel and start posting videos about a topic and it doesn't cost a dime. All you need is a google account and you are set to go.

Here are the topics you can post about to make money on youtube
  • Travel videos
  • Unboxing videos
  • Cooking videos with good camera explainer
  • Motivational videos

4. Sell On Redbubble

If you are creative and always want to add spice to items like T-shirts, then applying that online can really help you get a decent money online.

Redbubble is a platform you can use to make money online designing arts and T-shirts, mugs, rugs, home décor, mask, etc

It is a print on demand site, so you don't need to worry about the cost of printing.