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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

6 lazy Side Hustles You Can Start Today And Make Money

 In this article, I wan to show show you how to make at least $500 to $1000 a month online without leaving the comfort of your home.

Most people look up to people with the beautiful successful stories they tell online and they try to copy them just to find out that they can't not reach that goal. Whether you are looking for something to supplement your income or just looking for a full time income online, this post is for you.

I have tried these myself and I can testify that it can be done my anyone, any age and anywhere. Of course, some of them have certain requirement like leaving in a certain country and over 18 years but that should not stop you because I make sure to include side hustles for every age group out there.  

So it does not matter if you are 12 years, single Mom, college student or 65 old great grand Papi.

1. Real Estate Photography.

In this side hustle, you contact a real estate agency to take photographs of their property and when you finish, you chare them $300 to $500 for the shoot. Make sure to calculate the transportation, otherwise you might run at lost especially if the distance is long or costly.

2. Insta Cart

You simply pickup people groceries for them and drop them off their house and in exchange for $2000 to $5000 each month. 

But you must be 18 years to have a car!

3. Uber Driver

You pick up customers and drop them off a certain location for around $2000 to $4000 a month.


You must have a car and above 18 years.

4. Snapchat Spotlight post.

I have tried this several time on my instagram channel and I have earn tens of thousand of dollars from this, so I know what I'm saying.

All you have to do is to post a several post on you account and try to make at least one of them go viral, 1+ million views and you can easily make 5 figures from this.

5. Virtual Assistant

Business owners hire people like you to do things they don't want to do, like email reading, tracings, data entries and so much more virtually.

They pay $20/ $80 an hour and there is no age limit to this.

6. Distribute Fliers

Companies will pay you to visit neighborhoods and put fliers on peoples dours.

The they will pay you $50+ per hour to do this

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